A Young Artist in Review - Summer

Summer is a young emerging artist who will be showcasing some of her talents with her October School Holiday workshop at the Sculpture Park.

More about Summer Okey

My name is Summer, I have a Bachelor of Contemporary Art and I am currently studying toward a Graduate Diploma in Creative Technologies, Game Art. I would love to be a game designer in the future, while also doing art exhibitions on the side as I love to paint and can't picture myself ever stopping. I currently work for an organisation called Starjam where I am a dance tutor for people with disabilities and I am also a volunteer Pippin and Brownie leader for Girl Guides NZ.

1. As a young artist what gives you inspiration?

My inspiration comes from my curiosity about the world around me and a desire to explore as many ideas as I can through creating unique artworks. I'm fascinated by the way art can provoke thought, evoke emotions, and challenge perceptions. I draw inspiration from the stories and experiences of others, as well as my journey, which I aim to express through my work. The constant evolution of technology and art keeps me motivated to experiment and push the boundaries of creativity.

2. Do you come from a family of artists?

While my parents aren't artists, I come from a family with a rich artistic background. My great-grandmother and great-great-grandmother were both artists who created beautiful works in their spare time. Although I didn’t know my great-grandmother well, the legacy of creativity they left behind has influenced my own artistic journey.

3. What is your favorite medium to work in?

It's really hard to say which medium is my favorite because I work in so many. My favorite traditional medium to work in is acrylic paint. With my new study, I have been experimenting with 3D modeling and digital design which I have been enjoying a lot.  

4. Who is your inspiration?

My sister, who is currently studying in Brisbane to become a professional opera singer, frequently serves as inspiration for my artworks and often features in them. My sister and I have always been very close as we moved a lot when we were younger, I would say she is my best friend. If I ever need a model for an artwork or music for a game I'm making she is always there to help like how I'm there for her when she needs performances filmed or headshots taken.


Metal Clay Art


The Art of Flower Pressing