Claire Sadler
Primarily sculpting Taranaki andesite, volcanic hardstone, I also enjoy Maratoto andesite, basalt and most other hard stone. A foray into wood is bringing new learnings and challenges.
Claire sculpts fulltime from her studio in Bridge Pa, Hawkes Bay. With no previous formal art training, Claire began learning stone carving andesite boulders at Te Kupenga Stone Sculpture Society New Plymouth in 2006. A foray into wood has created the opportunity to explore different forms. Claire likes to focus on silhouette and linear movement, creating pieces which invite touch. Her approach is to explore the individual piece of raw natural material, to respect and feature all of their characteristics and proportions. With a preference for the humble materials, her works are mostly created from Taranaki andesite boulders, locally grown trees and salvaged timber.
By attending over a dozen symposia around the country and exhibiting in sculpture parks and exhibitions such as NZ Sculpture Onshore and Shapeshifter at The Dowse, and throughout the North Island, Claire is gaining a widening experience and reputation. She has been featured in the book ‘Toi Wahine – A Celebration of 30 creative women in Hawkes Bay’.